Baltic Sea Film Festival 2024
26 november - 1 december 2024
Baltic Sea Film Festival tisdag 26 oktober – 01 December på Klarabiografen, Kulturhuset Stadsteatern.
28/11 kl 18.00 • The Poet (Litauen)
29/11 kl 17.00 • Neon Spring (Lettland), Samtal med huvudrollsinnehavar och dramatiker Marija Luize Melke
29/11 kl 19.30 • The Little Comrade (Estland)
30/11 kl 16.00 • Nijolé (Litauen), Samtal med producenten Dagne Vildžiūnaitė
30/11 kl 19.00 • Mother Couch (Sverige), samtal med regissör Niclas Larsson gästar via länk från New York
1/12 kl 13.30 • Death Is A Problem For The Living (Finland), Samtal med skådespelare Pekka Strang
1/12 kl 16.00 • In The Crosswind (Estland)
1/12 kl 18.30 • Cold War (Polen)
Om Baltic Sea Film Festival
Baltic Sea Film Festival syftar till att belysa östersjöregionens identitet genom filmlinsen och inspirera både publiken och proffs på området att bli nyfikna på våra grannar runt Östersjön. Förhoppningsvis kan festivalen leda till nya idéer, innovationer och samarbeten.
Baltic Sea Film Festival finansieras och stöds genom ett samarbete mellan Scenit Produktion och Kulturhuset, Stadsteatern och med stöd av Estonian Film Institute, Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, Lithuanian Film Centre och
För pressfrågor och pressbilder, kontakta:
Ulrika Skoog Holmgaard, Scenit Produktion,, +46 70 108 57 57
Matilda O´Connor,
Facebook event:
Baltic Sea Film Festival finansieras och stöds genom ett samarbete mellan Scenit Produktion och Kulturhuset, Stadsteatern och med stöd av Estonian Film Institute, Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, Lithuanian Film Centre och Finlandsinstitutet.
The Mammoth Hunt (LT) 26 november
Samtal med regissör Aistė Stonytė
“The Mammoth Hunt” is a story about a film reel that for many years has been thought to be
lost. On the reel, under conspiracy conditions, an abolished anti-Soviet theatre performance had
been documented nearly 50 years ago – a play that served as a cross-section of the period
revealing the universal subjects of courage, conformation, loyalty and betrayal.
Regissör: Aistė Stonytė
Undertext: Engelska
Speltid: 94 min
Produktionsland: Litauen
Maria's silence (LT/LV) 27 november
The true story of Maria Leiko, a famous actress who struggles
with fame and love during Stalin’s totalitarian regime.
This historical drama set in 1937 portrays Maria Leiko, the star of silent cinema
and theater, who travels back to the Soviet Union upon the birth of her
granddaughter. During her trip to Latvia, Leiko passes through Moscow, where she
is convinced to perform at the Latvian theater “Skatuve” (Stage). Soon after, she
is faced with violence of the NKVD (the interior police of the Soviet totalitarian
regime) who brutally kidnap her granddaughter. Consequently, Leiko is forced to
play her life’s most tragic role – an innocent victim destroyed as she struggles
between her ideals and the murderous regime that surrounds her.
Regissör: Dāvis Sīmanis Jr.
Undertexter: Engelska
Speltid: 104 min
Produktionsland: Litauen/Lettland
The Poet (LT) 28 november
A talented poet who was expelled from the Lithuanian Soviet Writers’ Union for his anti-Soviet
literature is recruited by the NKVD, to establish contact with the partisans. In return he is
promised a return to the elite of Soviet writers.
Regissör: Giedrius Tamoševičius, Vytautas V. Landsbergis
Undertexter: Engelska
Speltid: 112 min
Produktionsland: Litauen
Neon Spring (LV) 29 november
With strobe lights and a thumping techno soundtrack, NEON SPRING chronicles
two months in the life of Laine, a college girl from a bland middle-class suburb in
Latvia. As Laine’s father distances himself from his crumbling marriage and his
family, Laine is unable to cope with the separation and discovers the edgy Riga
party scene, where she falls in love with seasoned raver Gunda. Going from rave
to rave, the girls journey into a drug-fuelled underworld of anarchy, freedom and
Regissör: Matīss Kaža
Undertexter: Engelska
Speltid: 102 min
Produktionsland: Lettland
The Little Comrade (EE) 29 november
In the midst of Stalinist tyranny, six-year-old Leelo’s mother is sent to a prison camp. Haunted by
her mother’s last words telling her to be a good girl, Leelo vows to be on her best behaviour in
the confusing grown-up world in the hope that it will bring her mother back.
San Francisco International Film Festival 2019 | Official Selection
Busan International Film Festival 2018 | Winner: BNK Busan Bank Award
Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival 2018 | Official Selection
Dublin International Film Festival 2019 | Official Selection
Regissör: Moonika Siimets
Undertexter: Engelska
Speltid: 1 tim 40 min
Produktionsland: Estland
Nijolé (LT 30 november
Presenteras av Dagne Vildžiūnaitė (JUST A MOMENT Produktionsbolag)
The story of an artist who spent most of her life away from her homeland, interpreted by her
son. Seventy years have passed, but Nijole still doesn’t speak Spanish very well. Maybe it is a
question of resistance, or yet another facet of her stubbornness or an unconscious attempt not
to forget her origins, which her worn-out memory, at more than 90 years old, threatens to forget.
Nijole doesn’t really like people. She is provocative, an artist, an iconoclast – much of this was
inherited by her son, Antanas Mockus. Along with the peculiar relationship between mother and
son – in fact Antanas is the film’s guiding force – their communication and lack thereof, the
memories of a Lithuania that, in times of war, had to be fled from, her artistic works and her
written reflections, this film has the same irreverent, strong, and somewhat disperse character of
the fascinating woman it portrays.
Regissör: Sandro Bozzolo
Undertexter: Engelska
Speltid: 102 min
Produktionsland: Litauen
Mother Couch (SE) 30 november
“Mother, Couch” är ett stjärnspäckat psykologiskt drama baserat på Jerker Virdborgs roman
“Mamma i soffa”, i regi av Niclas Larsson. Ewan McGregor (Trainspotting, Moulin Rouge!), Rhys
Ifans (Notting Hill, Snowden), Lara Flynn-Boyle (Twin Peaks, Men in Black) och Ellen Burstyn
(Exorcisten) gör huvudrollerna.
De tre syskonen David, Gruffudd och Linda återförenas i en avlägsen möbelaffär där deras
mamma bestämt sig för att inte lämna soffan hon slagit sig till ro i. Trions reaktioner på den
märkliga situationen blottlägger syskonens stora olikheter.
Originaltitel: Mother Couch
Regissör: Niclas Larsson
Genre: Drama
Språk: Engelska
Undertext: Svenska
Längd: 1h 36m
Produktionsland och år: USA, 2024
Cold War (PL) 01 december
Two individuals from contrasting backgrounds fall in love with each other in the aftermath of the
war in Poland and soon the man begins to persuade the woman to leave communist Poland for
Director: Paweł Pawlikowski
Cast: Joanna Kulig, Tomas Kot
Produktionsår 2018
Death Is A Problem For The Living (SF) 01 december
The cheapest drivers in the hearse business, gambling addict Risto Kivi and his friend, the 85%
brainless man, Arto Niska, have found themselves in a situation where everything has gone
wrong, and they are in need of a fresh start. Ultimately Arto, the man without a brain, and Risto,
the man without a heart, are forced to gamble with their own lives. “Peruli” is a film about
addiction, friendship and forgiveness.
Regissör: Teemu Nikki
Undertexter: Engelska
Speltid: 1 tim 38 min
Produktionsland: Finland
In the Crosswind (EE) 1 December
14 June 1941. Without warning tens of thousands of people in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
were removed from their homes. Without any sort of trial men faced being sent to prison camps
and women and children were deported to Siberia. The aim of this extraordinary operation –
carried out on the orders of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin – was to purge the Baltic countries of
their native inhabitants.
Erna, happily married and the mother of a young daughter, is sent to Siberia. For her, time takes
on another dimension. Fighting starvation and humiliation in inhuman conditions, her soul seeks
and finds freedom in the letters she sends to her husband who has been sentenced to prison
camp. Even so, the years in Siberia rob Erna of something much more precious than just her
This film is based on a true story and uses extraordinary visual techniques and language to tell
the heart-wrenching tale of the fate of thousands of Estonians.
Director: Martti Helde
Cast: Laura Peterson, Tarmo Song, Mirt Preegel, Ingrid Isotamm, Einar Hillep
Year of production: 2014
Green Border 22 oktober
I de ogenomträngliga skogarna mellan Belarus och Polen, är flyktingar fångade i ”den gröna gränsen”, cyniskt skapad av den vitryska diktatorn Alexander Lukasjenko.
Flyktingar från Mellanöstern och Afrika lockas till gränsen genom propaganda som lovar enkel passage till EU.